About Melinamou
Welcome! My name is Melina and thank you for visiting!
I started the first iteration of this site more than five years ago now just as an outlet for thoughts I deemed important enough to share on the internet. But then I started getting comments, first from friends, then from strangers so I kept going.
Now, my articles focus around relationships, self improvement, and travel for the most part. The goal is to try and cover habits, thoughts, tips/tricks, or topics that don’t get discussed enough. Basically a one stop shop for making your life and your relationship just a tiny bit better. I love reseaching and trying new things and I also love to write it all down so others can benefit.
The site name is pretty straightforward - MelinaMou is simply my first name, Melina, with the first part of my last name. The clever part (if I do say so myself), is that ‘mou’ can mean ‘my’ in Greek. So Melina mou, means ‘my melina’. This is also a way to show affection in Greek. My dad used to call me Melina mou all the time and it still gives me a warm feeling to hear it.
I love my name but the double meaning here is that I want everything I say on this site to be absorbed the the readers and made to be their own. I offer my own opinions, experiences, and advice, but everyone is different and has different circumstances and everything I say can and should be adapted to fit your personal goals.
If you have more questions or have any topics you’d like me to write about you can check out the FAQ page or contact me here!