Moving to Canada: Take 2
Alright guys. At the beginning of last month, I detailed how the first few days of living in Canada had gone for me, and in case you forgot, I was not in a good place (see the first article here, if you need a refresher on my misery).But because I know this move is going to be a period of tons of changes and phases, I figured I'd start a series on my blog chronicling how it goes. So here it is: my first full month in my new country.October was a little strange because I really only spent 20 days out of 31 actually in Canada. For one week, I had a business trip to Seattle and for another week, I was visiting my family in Chicago. However, most weekends and other days were all spent in Calgary.
Even though I spent some time away, I will admit that I definitely enjoyed my time in Calgary a little bit more than I did in the first few days. I realized that Amazon and can still be useful and Canadian Netflix is actually BETTER than American Netflix. (Although my HBO doesn't work here so I have to figure something out before the final season of GOT. YES I'M ALREADY WORRIED ABOUT THIS). I got into my normal routine of working from home, working out, and tried two boxing gyms. I also hung out a couple times with some of my boyfriend's friends and family. Even though I know I need my own friends, it was obviously nice to talk to someone other than my boyfriend every once in a while.
Now that I've calmed down a bit, I can recognize that Calgary, for the most part, is like any other major city in the U.S. It has a vibrant downtown where everything is walking distance and it has bars, shops, and restaurants, as well as skyscrapers to form the skyline, so getting used to the city won't take long. I've begun walking around by myself to run errands and familiarize myself with how to get around.
The hardest part of moving, and I suspect it will be the hardest part for awhile, will be developing a social life of my own. Working from home really works against me in this respect, since I have to find other ways to meet people. My first thought is to join a boxing gym or maybe a cycling class and go regularly to start to see the same people. But unlike making friends in college or at work, I would still only see these people for one or two hours a week, so building up a repartee with them will still take a while even once I commit to one.
My next thought was to join a couple groups online for people of similar interests, as well as an expat group, but so far I haven't found any events that I have been able to attend. November might be a little bit better for this since I don't have any travel planned but we'll see. Luckily, I feel a bit more settled after this past month and I can mostly focus on trying to meet people and cultivate new hobbies for a new city. Wish me luck!If you have any suggestions on how to make friends in a new city, please comment! I need all the help I can get!