I'm Back
Kiki has been babysitting my blog for over three months now, but I've finally pulled myself together enough to take it back.I stepped back from this space for two reasons -
I didn't really feel like I was adding to the internet sphere on this blog anymore. I had been writing about anything and everything and I felt like too much of my content was the same old stuff that everyone else writes about.
I was going through some intense self-reflection and personal stuff and was feeling super down and I could barely do my normal work and keep myself healthy so this blog was one of the first things I dropped.
But now I have returned! I decided that I love to write and that I do have something to contribute to the internet. However, I also decided to take a step back and figure out what I should focus on. Up until now, I just wrote about whatever struck my fancy that week, but I want this blog to have a purpose. I've decided that the purpose is self-reflection/ self-improvement.Sounds boring, I know, but if I take a look back at my best posts, the ones that got the best feedback and the ones I thought were the best written, they are the ones where I talk about things I've gone through and what I've learned from those events.I realized that many people are too scared, or confused to turn a lens back in on themselves and to learn from their mistakes or shortcomings to improve their lives, so I will take one for the team and put myself under the microscope to share life and lifestyle lessons.And for those of you that will miss Kiki's far wittier prose, she does have a YouTube channel where she makes her own words come to life, and I also have a feeling it won't be long before she's a guest writer here again.Thanks to everyone that has continued to visit this space after so long.