Posts in Writing
Quarantine is is going stir crazy

So I had a whole article prepared for this week about how the U.S. health infrastructure was is woefully under developed and how that contributes to long term health risks and promotes the rise of industries that prey on this lack of knowledge available - BUT I figured that would be a bit heavy and redundant with everything that has happened in the past couple days. So instead - here is my guide to surviving quarantine/winter favorites - because we should be self-quarantining but that doesn't mean we still can't try new things and have a great time.

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Life Lessons from Anime

If you had told me even two years ago that I would be so into anime that I would be gleaning life lessons from it, it would have been awhile before I stopped laughing in your face.

My sister can attest to the fact that I used to ridicule anime as well as pretty much anyone who watched it regularly (pokemon was exempt for whatever reason), since they normally bore the brunt of my teasing, and I never pictured it as a valuable addition to anyone's life.

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Think About Yourself More

I don’t know about you guys, but I’m starting to feel overwhelmed with the amount of self-improvement advice out there. On the one hand, it feels like everyone is saying all the same things – eat your veggies, go to the gym, start investing, stop looking at your phone etc. But on the other hand, it feels like there’s more disagreement in this space than ever. Should I eat veggies as part of a keto, paleo, vegan or vegetarian diet? Should I box, swim, HIIT, lift, or run at the gym? How much and with who do I invest? There are endless factions under every piece of seemingly straightforward advice.

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Don't Bother Trying to 'Hack' Your Life

Self Help is everywhere. Books are churned out a mile a minute on the subject, google searches for ‘how to___’ are higher than ever and everybody has a piece of advice to offer. There’s nothing wrong with this phenomenon on the surface -- people are simply looking to better themselves. The problem as I see it, is that most people are getting caught up in the wrong methods.

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